The Kitchen, the Bedroom and your Front Door are the three most important areas of your home in Feng Shui. The Kitchen in Feng Shui is symbolic of your health, the Bedroom of your sleep and romantic life and the Front Door of the overall energy of your home and your career (or life path). Here are 12 Feng Shui tips for your Kitchen. Doing one, some or all of them will help your Kitchen feel better and you feel great.
#1 The Stove Should be Immaculate
This is not only the #1 Feng Shui Kitchen tip, this is also arguably the #1 Feng Shui tip. The stove in Feng Shui is symbolic of your health and wealth. It is the primary source of you and your family’s nourishment and it is critical that it is kept as clean as possible.
#2 Only Thing on the Counter that You Use on a Daily Basis
Counters can easily become clutter magnets for gadgets, food, keys, junk mail and life. Cluttered counters prevent you from easily using your Kitchen. The best way to prevent counter clutter is to only have things on it that you use – every. single. day. If there is something on your counter that does not fit in this category, it should be put elsewhere, donated, sold, given away, recycled or thrown away.
#3 Keep Pictures, Notices, Calendars and Anything Else Off of the Refrigerator
What the paraphernalia on the front of your fridge does is draw your attention to it. And when something draws your attention, you go to it and what do you do when you do to your fridge? Uh, huh. And do you want to be doing that?
#4 Add Yellow
Yellow is a wonderful color in Feng Shui. It is the color of health, the color of communication and the color of gold (or money). Adding a tasteful splash (or lots of splashes) of yellow to your Kitchen is a great way to reinforce the symbolism of health. (P.S I searched forever for this perfect yellow tea kettle to sit on my stove.)
#5 If You Can’t See Someone When They Walk in the Kitchen While Cooking, Add a Mirror
If your stove does not allow you to readily see people when they enter your Kitchen, put a mirror above the store to give you a sneak peak of who is entering. BONUS: The number of burners a stove has is symbolic of how much wealth you have. More burners = more money. And a mirror visually “doubles” the number of burners. (This mirror might not be your style but I think it is quite cute.)
#6 Get Rid of Food Not Eaten in the Last 12 Months
We are all victims of buying that random can of soup we thought we would try and never did; having that one spice we used for that one thing five years ago and of course, the stale box of crackers. Every house has a stale box of crackers. Any food you have not eaten in the last 12 months (this includes the random condiments in the fridge and whatever you have going on in the freezer) should be thrown away. If you have unopened, non-perishable items they can likely be given to a local food bank.
#7 Get Rid of Broken / Chipped Dishes and Non-Functioning Appliances
Everything in your Kitchen should feel vibrant and fresh. Beat up, dinged up and broken appliances are the exact opposite of this. To the extent possible, broken or chipped dishes and non-functioning appliances should be given the heave ho – completely out of your house.
#8 Don’t Have Knives Be Visible
Ooooh, this is an important one. Knives have both a positive purpose and a negative connotation. In the Kitchen, the area most symbolic of our health, we do not want these “negative connotations” lurking about. Put knives in a drawer (this looks like a handy way to do that) or in a place that is out of sight. Doing so will instantly make your Kitchen feel more peaceful.
#9 Remove Anything that Feels, Looks Like, Reminds You of Unhealthy Times or Bad Memories
Feng Shui aims to have all the energy around you flow correctly and feel positive. Reminders, mementos or everyday items which either are unhealthy or remind you of unhealthy / negative times should be completely removed from your property, to the fullest extent possible.
#10 Fix Leaky Faucets
Leaky faucets are super no bueno. Water and money, in Feng Shui, are very closely tied together. Water that leaks is often symbolic of money leaking away from you.
#11 Get Rid of the Duplicates and Triplicates of Things
You only have two hands. You don’t need four carrot peelers. Good news is – there are people in this world that do need a carrot peeler. Donating your extra helps them AND you have a better, more usable kitchen.
#12 Clean Out the Junk Drawer
Anyone have ideas why the Kitchen is always where the junk drawer lives? You don’t want “junky” health so let’s not have a “junky” drawer. Next time you are on hold or on the phone with someone who is yammering on and on – how about passing the time cleaning out that drawer? Or, of course, you could do it now. 🙂