Oh, if we could live in a house only filled with what we love. We mostly can. And we mostly should. But for the things life won’t let us live without — no matter how much we would like to — here are some Feng Shui tips on where to keep them.
Step 1: Don’t Put Them in Your Bedroom, Kitchen or Near Your Front Door
Your Bedroom, Kitchen and Front Door are the three most important areas in your home according to Feng Shui. Your Bedroom because it is where you rest and restore yourself. (It is also the Feng Shui headquarters for romance). The Kitchen because it is symbolic of your health, and your Front Door because it is symbolic of your career and the overall energy of your home. Let’s keep the energy in these areas high. Anything trash-y, negative or that you would generally like to have evaporate from your life — should not be in these areas.
Step 2: Put Them in the Garage, a Storage Space, a Room or Closet You Don’t Access Often
If you have a storage space or a detached garage, this is the best place to put these undesirables. The idea is to get the ick energy as far away from you as possible. If this is not feasible, put them in the room you use the least.
NOTE: If you put these things in your garage or a storage space, make sure you keep them in a water tight, protective container.
Step 3: Put it in the Best Place Within the Selected Room or Closet
The Bagua (diagram below) represents nine areas of your life — Career, Education, Family, Money, Reputation, Love, Creativity & Children and Helpful People & Travel. If possible, it is best to put unsavory items in the area of room, related to the Bagua map, that is either very strong (use that strength to be strong with this) or where you have the least interest.
The Door Is In One of The Bottom Three Boxes
Each one of the boxes represents an area within your room. Imagine putting a huge tic tac toe board over the floor of your room. The door to your room is either in the Wisdom & Knowledge (Education), Career or Helpful People & Travel area. Divide your room into nine equal (or equal-ish) sized areas to locate where the different life areas are located.
For example, if you are retired, the Career area of the room may be the best place to put these things. To locate the Career area of your room, stand in the entrance of it and face into it. The Career area is the middle of the wall that is parallel to the door where you stand.
Alternatively, if you don’t have any interest in creative pursuits and/or don’t have children in your life, you could place them in the Children & Creativity area of the selected room. To locate the Children & Creativity area of your room, stand in the entrance of it and face into it. Look at the right wall. The Children & Creativity area is the middle area of the right wall.
NOTE: If you have more than one entrance to a room, use the doorway you would must like enter through if you were coming from the Front Door of you home. (The door the architect of the home would consider the Front Door.)
Step 4: Put Red Tape Around Them or Put Them in a Red Bag or Box (or Both)
The best way to keep the energy of this unpleasantry away from you is to either put a red piece of tape around it or put it in a red box or bag. Put the red around it with the intention that all of the energy associated with this circumstance stays inside the box or bag.
For garbage cans, sometimes there is only one place they can go. Putting red tape around the bottom of them where they are located is an especially good practice.
Step 5: Keep Them Orderly
When you do have to look at this shall-not-be-given-any-more-energy-than-necessary-item, make sure it is kept in a good quality container and is well-organized within it. This energy alone will make it feel better. If it is a garbage can, make sure it is in good condition, that it is clean and has a lid on it, if it is readily seen.
Step 6: Get Rid of It When You Can
And the good cliché news is – nothing lasts forever. Not even whatever horseshit this is about. There will be a time you can get rid of it. (Check with lawyers, accountants, etc. before getting rid of anything.) Make sure when the time comes that you get it out of your life. Sometimes burning it (safely) can be quite satisfying.