Mirrors in Feng Shui serve four primary purposes:
- To double the size of something (Think: Doubling the size of your Money corner)
- To push away something (Think: Pushing away the energy of annoying neighbors)
- To “erase” something (Think: “Removing” a wall that is making a space feel very small.)
- To add the water element to a space
As the Bedroom is where you will spend a third of your life – you really must consider if, and how, you will use mirrors. A few things to Feng Shui tips to help sort out what is best for you:
- First, it is best not to have mirrors in your Bedroom. They double the size of the space and cause energy to bounce around a bit frenetically. Contrary to what modern society tells us — the best Bedroom for sleep and romance is small and cozy — not large and spacious. And as mirrors double the size of a space, they can instantly reduce the cozy factor. They can also cause a lot of energy to bounce around leading to difficulties sleeping.
- Do not hang a mirror above your head. A mirror hung above you while you sleep can encourage you to live in the past.
- Do not sleep with a mirror directly across from you. From a Feng Shui perspective, a mirror directly across from your bed is the worst place it can be in your Bedroom. If it is unavoidable, and if you have sleep issues, consider covering it at night. If you sleep across from mirrored closet doors consider changing them out, covering them or putting an aesthetically appealing curtain in front of them. You can also put a red piece of tape on top of the mirror and/or under the bed frame nearest the mirror.
- If you must have a mirror in your bedroom, put it to the left or right of the bed or in the closet. This will lessen the energetic impact it has on you. I have a full length mirror on the inside of my closet door. Bonus, it points towards my neighbors unit to help prevent their energy from interfering with ours, and it pushes all the closet energy away from us at night. Woot! Woot!
- Don’t hang a mirror that faces out your Bedroom door. This will make the energy that you worked so hard to get into your Bedroom – just bounce right back out.
- Don’t use oversized mirrors in the Bedroom. Mirrors in Feng Shui are symbolic of water. Water in the Bedroom can be a lot of energy in a place that should feel calm. Large mirrors can also create feelings of sadness or grief.
- Know the good places to hang your mirrors. While the Bedroom is not ideal for a mirror there are many places that are. Here are few examples:
- Near your Front Door. (The door the architect of the home would consider the Front Door.) Just make sure it is not facing out the door.
- In the Money corner of any room, except your Bedroom.
- Above your desk, if your desk faces a wall.
- Above the stove, if while you cook you cannot see people entering the Kitchen.
- In a narrow hallway, to make it feel more expansive.
- Facing any energy you are trying to push away.
- If you have a fireplace in the Creativity & Children area of a room (the middle right side of a room), hanging a mirror above it can help balance the energy of the fire.
- NOTE: All mirrors should be hung in a way that do not “cut off” a person’s head when looking in it.