Feng shui can support you in improving nine life areas: Money, Reputation, Love & Marriage, Family, Health, Creativity & Children, Skills & Knowledge, Career and Helpful People & Travel.
If you want your kiddo to do better in school, feng shui can help! Here’s how:
1. Locate the Skills & Knowledge Area in the Room Your Child Spends the Most Time Studying
Start in the room your child spends the most time studying. Stand in the doorway of this room and face into it. (If there is more than one doorway, stand in the doorway most frequently used.)
Mentally divide the wall where you are standing into three equal spaces. The left most corner (or the corner to your immediate left while standing in the doorway) is the Skills & Knowledge area. This is the area you are going to want to focus on to help improve your child’s performance at school.
Another way to think about this is – all nine life areas in feng shui are found in most rooms. You can find the Skills & Knowledge area by mentally drawing a huge tic tac toe board on the floor of your room. The bottom part of the tic tac toe board is that row which is closest to the door where you are standing. The square that is in the lower left most corner is the Skills & Knowledge area in feng shui. To help your child do better in school, you are going to want to focus on this area in different rooms.
2. Add the Following Things in This Area
- Memories, mementos of when your kiddo has done really well in school or in another activity. Perhaps it was an art project she is really proud of, a good grade on a test, something great from an extracurricular activity or a note from a teacher.
- Symbols or reminders of someone you and/or your child look up to and believe to be wise. Adding a symbol of someone who excels in a subject your child is struggling in can also be great. For example, if they are having a hard time in math – add a photo of Einstein or Isaac Newton. (This does not have to be fancy, you can just print a photo from the Internet.)
- Symbols or reminders of goals your child has, or you have for her, in regards to school. Perhaps a mock report card with all A’s, perhaps the symbol from your school’s National Honor Society, maybe a memento from the school they would like to attend next or a pseudo-test on it with the grade on top your child is aiming for.
- Symbols or reminders of people who are helping her do better in school. This could be a reminder of a favorite teacher, tutor or of course, you.
3. In This Area Remove:
- Any clutter, dust, dirt or messes. These things block energy from flowing freely to this area and as such blocks energy from flowing freely to you and your child in regards to improving their Skills & Knowledge.
- Anything that distracts or interrupts studying time. Such distractions could include the tv, games, the iPod, electronics or anything else your kiddo likes to do instead of studying (which I realize is probably just about anything).
- Drugs or alcohol as these things distract people from thinking clearly
4. Know that Nothing in Feng Shui Needs to be Seen to Work
If making these changes in the room don’t work for the design of the room itself, feel free to put items in a drawer in the area, behind a piece of furniture or hidden behind a piece of art. I would, if possible, encourage you to keep as much out in the open as feasible, so it is a constant reminder to her (and you) of what she can be and what she wants to accomplish.
5. Do Steps 1 – 4 in Your Child’s Bedroom or the Room They are in The Most, Second Most and So On (If You Want)
The more you can reinforce the message of what you want – the more likely you are to get it. Next go to your child’s bedroom and/or the room they are in the most, then the second most and so on and repeat steps 1 – 4 above. You can do as many or as few rooms as you would like!
6. Use a Special Feng Shui Trick to Make Wishes Come True
Lastly, you and your child should use the feng shui method of making wishes come true and make a wish to accomplish your and their goals in school. Here’s how to Make 3 Wishes Come True with Feng Shui.