You are probably familiar with the traditional Feng Shui bagua map that shows where your Love, Career, Money, Family, etc areas are located in your home or in individual rooms. But did you know that same bagua and those same areas are also related to different family members, body parts, emotions, illnesses, seasons, times of day and more?
How to Work with Bagua Maps
To work with any bagua map you orient it so the bottom portion is in alignment with where the door of the room is. For example, if the door was on the left side of the room, it would be in the Skills & Knowledge area of the Traditional Bagua. If it was in the center of the room, it would be in the Career area of the Traditional Bagua. You then divide the room into nine equal (or equal-ish if the room is an odd shape) spaces and identify the different areas from there. If there is more than one door in the room, use the door that you would most likely use if you were entering it from the front door of your home.
What to Do Once You Have Found the Area You Want to Work On?
First and foremost, clean that area up. Remove all dirt, dust, messes and clutter. Anything that you don’t love dearly or use yearly should be removed from this corner. Also, remove any symbols or objects that are reminiscent of what you do not want related to this area. For example, if every winter you are miserable and you are trying to find a way to be happier about it – remove anything from this area that makes you feel down. If you want your youngest son to act more his age, look in his area and remove anything that is reminiscent of young children and so on.