Oh, my heart hurts for all of the small businesses who have worked their heinies off and were then hit by something for which they have no control – Covid. The good news is – no matter how dire you think your situation is – Feng Shui can help! Here are 15 Feng Shui tips to help small businesses continue to help you do what now (and after) Covid.
#1 Fix Your Address
Your address can really help or hurt your business. Good news is – no matter what your address is – you can “fix” it. (No one will know the difference, and you still have the mail delivered and customers show up.)
To do this, add the numbers of your business address together. For example, if your address is 146 State Street. You would add 1 + 4 + 6 = 11. You then add 1 + 1 and you get a 2. (You need to add the numbers until you get a single digit.) A two number is about partnership.
Most businesses want an ‘8’ address because that is considered the most fortuitous and prosperous number. To “fix” your address, in this example given, you would add a 6 before the “1” or after the “6”. You can also use the same colored paint as currently used to paint the address on your business. More about Feng Shui and different address numbers here.
EXTRA CREDIT – Do the same thing with your home address.
#2 Make Your Front Door VERY Welcoming
The Front Door in Feng Shui is symbolic of both your career and the overall energy of your business (or home). For this reason, it is extremely important that your Front Door feels VERY welcoming. First and foremost, get rid of any dust, dirt, clutter and/or messes. Most definitely toss the welcome mat that is becoming a roly-poly farm (poor roly-polies) and replace it with a new one. If the climate where your business is allows, add plants and flowers. If it would look appropriate, add a flag or flags. Make your Front Entrance area appear as if the entire state of your business depends on it – because in Feng Shui – it kind of does.
#3 Add a Wish Box
This is probably the most popular Feng Shui tip. Go to the Front Door of your business. Stand in the doorway and face inside. Look to the closest, right most corner. This is the Helpful People and Travel corner in Feng Shui. In this area is where you put your wish box.
Get a silver box with a lid. This does not have to be fancy. If you don’t have one on hand, you can make one out of tin foil, color a different-colored box silver, wrap a box in aluminum foil, etc.
In this box, put wishes as if they have already happened. For example, you could write, “I am grateful for meeting my 2020 business goals.” or “I am ecstatic to have had my best holiday season yet!” or “I am so happy to have signed up client <name> this month.” In this box, you can also put the names of people you want to work with, people who might be difficult and you want a better relationship with, business cards of people who could assist you, etc. More on making wishes with Feng Shui here.
ps. If it is not appropriate to put your wish container near your Front Door, you can put it in the same location in your office, in a storage room etc. Just stand in the entrance to the room you will put it in and then locate the closest right corner.
#4 Get Rid of Bad Energy Objects, Memories and Even – People
Alright my friends, any time and especially Covid time, is not when to have bad energy around you. This means, to the extent possible, get rid of anything or anyone that feels like a downer, deflates your energy or generally doesn’t feel uplifting. If you want great things around you – you have to – obviously – be mindful in putting great things around you. It really is that simple. Donate, recycle, giveaway, throw away anything that doesn’t feel incredible.
#5 Put a Spare Change Bowl in Your Feng Shui Money Corner
This is definitely one of my most favorite Feng Shui tips. Go stand in the Front Door of your business and face inside. Point to the farthest, left most corner. This is the Money area of your business in Feng Shui. In this area, put a container, ideally rectangle and red, yellow, purple or green. Then put spare change, the random dollar (or $20 dollar) bills you have in your pocket, gift cards with a bit of money left on them, fake game money or anything else that symbolizes money to you. I recommend not having a lid on this container (you don’t want to put a “lid” on your financial situation). I also highly recommend, trying to not take any money out of it. When you take money out it gives off a “lacking” energy which you want to avoid. I do it from time to time – the sky does not fall – but try to avoid it, if possible.
#6 Think About How You Describe Your Business Issues and Then Look Around For Where that Is Physically Manifesting in Your Workplace
This is the easiest Feng Shui tip to remember. If you feel stuck in your job look for drains, doors and/or clutter that is making “energy” or normal operations “stick”. If you feel “broke” look around your business for appliances, office equipment, windows, doors, etc that are broke. If you feel as if you always have “something hanging over you”, look for heavy artwork, shelves or storage that you have “hanging over” you. In other words, consider how you describe the main issues of your business and look. really look, as to where that issue is physically manifesting in your business – and fix them!
#7 Take a Look at the Rings on Your Fingers
The rings on your fingers have different meanings in Feng Shui. Wear a ring on your left index finger to attract everything you want, wear a ring on your left pinkie to attract magic, wear a ring on your right index finger to help hurry along completing something you want done, wear a ring on your right ring finger to attract stability/grounding and wear a ring on your right pinkie finger to show gratitude for what you have. More on ring Feng Shui here.
#8 Put Your Desk in the Power Position
In Feng Shui, the position of your desk can significantly impact your business and revenue. You want your desk arranged so your back is against a wall and you can clearly see the door of the room. You do not want your chair to face a wall (it prevents opportunities from approaching you and it makes you feel less safe because you can’t see what is coming up behind you – literally and figuratively).
#9 Spruce Up Your Feng Shui Reputation Area
Feng Shui helps with a many areas of your life including: Money, Love, Creativity, Children, Helpful People, Travel, a Better Career, New Skills & Knowledge, Your Family and – your Reputation or level of Fame. In every room of your business, there is an area associated with your Reputation (and Fame).
To locate this area, go stand in the entrance of the room you would like to Feng Shui. I would recommend you start with the room where the majority of your business is conducted. Stand in the doorway of that room and face into it. Mentally divide the far wall into three equal-sized areas. The middle area is the Fame & Reputation area in Feng Shui.
In this area, add symbols of your accomplishments, reminders of people who inspire you, fire symbols such as candles, stars, the sun or of course, this is a great location for a fireplace.
#10 Wrap Red Around Anything You HAVE to Keep But Don’t Love
There will be legal documents, tax documents, garbage cans and other business necessities that don’t necessarily bring you joy – but you have to have around. A good way to cancel out their kind-of-icky energy is to surround them in red. This could look like putting documents in red folders or putting red tape around garbage cans or boxes of business items you find less delightful.
#11 Make a Paprika Trail to Your Front Door
Now stick with me on this one. To get customers to arrive at your front door, get some paprika or another “red” spice such as cinnamon. Go to the place where you want customers from. This might be a neighborhood, a nearby parking lot or even the sidewalk our front. Take a little or a lot of the spice (depending on how far you need to go to get to your front door). Start where you want customers to come from and sprinkle a little bit creating a little trail all the way to your front door! Don’t worry you don’t need to sprinkle a lot – a little will go a long way.
#12 Get Rid of Clutter, Dirt, Dust and Messes (Sorry!)
Feng Shui is all about creating good energy flow that, in turn, allows good things to flow to you. Now, energy and goodness can’t flow to you if your business is filled with, as my grandma would say, crap. I know this can be overwhelming. Start small. Very small. Start with a drawer, a corner, or room. Look at everything in this area and ask yourself, “Do I love this dearly or use this yearly?” If the answer is yes, keep it. If the answer is no, donate it, sell it, give it away, recycle it or throw it away.
#13 Know that Nothing You Add Needs to Be Seen to Work in Feng Shui
Nothing in Feng Shui has to be seen to work. Anything you have added to an area to improve the Feng Shui can be put in a drawer, behind a piece of furniture, in a book etc.
#14 Do One, Some or All of These Feng Shui Tips
Don’t feel as if you need to all of these tips – or even more than one. As Feng Shui is about energy – it is important that doing it doesn’t drain yours. If you are up for implementing only one Feng Shui tip – do that – wait two weeks – and see what happens. If you are happy with the results then voila – you are done. If you want more – do another tip shown here and repeat as necessary.
#15 Want More Feng Shui Love?
Want to reap more of the benefits of Feng Shui with little effort? Who doesn’t right? Get crazy easy checklists on what to add and remove in your business or home to attract money, improve your work situation, attract love, stay healthy, happy and more. Buy the paperback or eBook on Amazon. Buy the full-color spiral bound book on this site.