Feng Shui, the ancient art (made quite modern as of late) of arranging your home to allow the energy of your home to attract more love, health, wealth, luck and happiness into your life, also has a special way of helping your wishes come true. To do this:
- Find a silver box with a lid. If you don’t have a silver box, make one out of aluminum foil or silver paper or white paper you painted / colored silver.
- Go to the room you use the most.
- Stand in the doorway of the room, facing inside the room.
- Point to the right most corner. This is where you are going to put your box. Note, the box does not need to be seen for this to work. You can put it in a drawer, behind a piece of furniture, etc.
- Inside the box, on individual pieces of paper – write a wish (one per piece of paper). How you write these wishes is important. You need to write them as if they have already happened. For example, if you want a 20% raise, write, “I am very grateful for the 20% raise I received.” If you want good news when you go to the doctor, “I am very happy I heard such great news from the doctor!” Write only three and when they come true, take it out and replace it, if you would like to, with a new wish. I would recommend 1 – 5 wishes.
- Also, in this area of your room it is critical to remove any dust, dirt, clutter or messes. These things hinder the easy flow of energy and when energy cannot flow properly to your wishes – it prevents your wishes from properly coming to you.
- Lastly, remove anything in this area that is symbolic of something that is blocking your wishes from coming true. For example, if one of your wishes is to go on your dream trip but you can’t because you have so much work to do – remove anything related to your job or work from this area.